
PG电子竞技平台的电力公司, 夏威夷电力公司, has committed to significantly reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and taking the lead in clean energy and sustainability practices.
Hawaii is the most fossil fuel dependent 状态 in the nation and importing oil to meet the demand is not sustainable. 的 夏威夷清洁能源倡议 (HCEI), a federal-状态-private partnership, is charting a new course toward energy independence.
Maui’s unique location and abundant resources amount to the ideal proving ground for clean energy innovation, making us an international testbed for promising clean and reliable technologies. 企业家, 由激情驱动,由创造力驱动, are helping to secure Hawaii’s energy future by developing innovative technologies that can be deployed in communities 状态wide. Demonstration Projects such as JUMPSmartMaui and the Maui Smart Grid Project collected data from volunteers to address the challenges of modernizing the 电 grid.
电 & 气体
的 夏威夷公用事业委员会 regulates all public service companies that provide utilities.
夏威夷电力 是这个县的电力供应商吗, which is working to meet the future demands of businesses and residents and increase its renewable energy production.
毛伊县的主要天然气公司是 夏威夷的气体是夏威夷州唯一一家特许经营的天然气公司. 夏威夷的气体 has installed pipeline 基础设施 and maintains bulk storage facilities.
Much of Maui’s drinking 水 comes from underground aquifers, where it is naturally filtered by lava rocks and made into clean 水. 地表水源产生剩余的水, 哪些是由岛上的处理厂过滤的.
- 的 PG电子竞技平台县供水部门 is the drinking 水 utility for over 37,500 services on the islands of Maui and Molokai
- 拉奈岛由一家私人公司提供服务.
- 县的 环境管理系 提供市政污水处理服务.
夏威夷群岛已有120多年的历史, 夏威夷的电信产品 PG电子竞技平台最大的本地座机服务提供商是谁. 光谱 (原大洋时代华纳)和 Wavecom解决方案 提供有线通讯服务. 几家移动电话服务提供商也覆盖PG电子竞技平台.
空气 & 港口服务
PG电子竞技平台位于美国大陆和夏威夷之间.S., Asia, and the Pacific Rim nations, offering easy access to a wide variety of international markets. Travel within Maui County’s three islands and between Honolulu and Hawaii’s neighbor islands is available through regular and extensive 空气 and sea travel services. 的 average commute time in Maui County by ground transportation is 关于 20 minutes.
的 Island of Maui’s primary 空气port (OGG) is located in Kahului, the main business center; the 空气port also provides general aviation, 通勤, 直升机服务. 该机场每年客流量超过600万人次, and the Kahului-Honolulu corridor is ranked as one of the busiest in the U.S. 2015年客流量达98.6万人次.
最大的跨岛航空公司是夏威夷航空公司, 每天有超过25个直飞檀香山的航班, as well as direct flights to Hilo and Kona on the Big Island, 考艾岛的Lihue和莫洛凯岛的Hoolehua. Smaller 空气lines such as Mokulele Air also provide service to the main Hawaiian Islands. Kahului 空气port on Maui (OGG) also has direct 空气 links to the mainland, with service (as of 2015) to 14 major cities including Los Angeles, 旧金山, 圣地亚哥, 西雅图, 温哥华, 丹佛, 达拉斯和芝加哥.
- Major carriers on these Maui routes include Hawaiian Airlines, 美国联合航空公司, 达美航空公司, 美国航空公司, 阿拉斯加航空公司, 维珍美国航空公司, 西南航空和加拿大航空. 新增航班和转机, 包括直达国际航线, 可以从檀香山出发.
- 一个更小的, secondary 空气port on Maui is located close to the resort areas in West Maui at Kapalua (JHM), 提供跨岛服务.
- Hana, in East Maui, also has a small 空气port (HNM), with service mainly to Kahului.
- For the 机场 located on Molokai (MKK) at Ho’olehua and on Lanai (LNY), 最频繁的定期航班是飞往檀香山的.
- A small 空气port links the isolated hospital 社区 at Kalaupapa on Molokai with Honolulu and Ho’olehua (MKK).
平均约为3.7 million tons of cargo passing through Kahului Commercial Harbor each year, 水 transportation remains the primary means by which goods reach Maui. 超过三分之二的货物是制成品. Harbor operations are located on 45 acres of and include secured storage, 仓库, 办公室及租客设施.
- Kahului is the only deep-draught harbor in the County and is the busiest port in the 状态 outside Oahu.
- 由两个大型防波堤保护, the three-pier harbor accommodates cruise ships as well as interisland freight barges, 集装箱船, 其他货船, 拖船, and 气体oline and fuel oil tankers (most of the County’s 电ity is generated from diesel oil).
- In 2014, the harbor accommodated over 1,000 vessel arrivals (excluding domestic fishing craft).
- Because of Kahului Harbor’s size and commercial importance, the Department of Transportation in partnership with other local, 状态, 以及联邦政府机构, 还有私人聚会, 发布了2035年港口总体规划, which is designed to maximize the Harbor’s efficiency and safety while protecting the environment and preserving the multi-faceted needs of the Harbor.
除了, smaller boat harbors at Ma’alaea and Lahaina accommodate private recreational vessels and larger boats offering ocean activities, 主要面向游客市场(钓鱼), 浮潜, 观赏鲸鱼, 等.).
- 计划 客运渡轮服务 from Lahaina to Lanai are an important transportation link; the Molokai ferry was discontinued in 2016.
- 的 main harbor on Molokai is located in Kaunakakai; on Lanai, 考马拉帕的港口处理商业交通, and the newly refurbished Manele Harbor serves as the destination for the passenger ferry and public boating activities.
Getting around the islands is made easy with the help of public 巴士服务 and an expanding roadway system. 此外,PG电子竞技平台的通勤时间很短,只需20分钟.9分钟. (交通流量见下图.)
Travel between the Hawaiian Islands is made convenient by ferry and 空气port 通勤 services. 如果你想飞往美国.S. mainland or abroad, Maui’s Kahului Airport and the Honolulu International Airport will get you there.
卡胡卢伊机场- OGG(PG电子竞技平台) | Maui’s primary commercial 空气port with 14 commercial 空气line carriers |
卡帕鲁亚机场(PG电子竞技平台) | Semi-private 空气port; no general aviation or jet 空气craft permitted |
Hana机场(PG电子竞技平台) | 二级通用航空机场 |
莫洛凯机场(莫洛凯岛) | 通用航空机场 |
拉奈岛机场(拉奈岛) | 通用航空机场 |
PG电子竞技平台公共汽车 | Regular daily and 通勤 service to Central, South, West, Haiku and Upcountry Maui communities |
Interisland渡轮 | |
探险拉奈岛 | 每日定期往返于PG电子竞技平台和拉奈岛之间 |
For more information on 航空服务 and 港口设施 see the 商业气候运输 页面.